Cover Letter

February 16, 2018


Neiman Marcus

One Main Square

Dallas, TX 75201 (Neiman Marcus, 2018)


Dear Neiman Marcus,

I am writing to express interest in the available position of Human Resource Manager at your Dallas, TX location. I am an experience individual in providing outstanding customer service, and in working well in a team environment. I have an extensive background in management, sales, communication, and leadership. I would love the opportunity in joining your team, to ensure that together we can meet deadlines together.

My background in management came when I was 19 years old and working at Domino’s pizza. As one of the big pizzerias in the neighborhood, I was in charge to ensure that every customer was satisfied with their orders. I had to motivate a team, to ensure that everyone was a key player in making this happen. I was also in charge of making sure inventory was accounted for and making bank deposits.

In sales, no matter what you are selling, you must make sure that you can sell your product. Since I was 16 years old, I have been selling to several people. Whether it was ice cream, pizza, or a pair of sweatpants, I have been able to help increase sells in my place of work. I have been able to meet goals that were given to me and exceed those goals at times.

Communication is very important for a business to strive. In the past I have been able to communicate to my superiors where we need to improve, or a problem that cannot be resolved. I have been able to respectfully give an honest opinion to an entire team, to get a message across, that there is “no I in team.”

Leadership is never an easy task. Whether I was helping lead younger individuals in elementary school as a Lion leader, or leading a team to make 100% delivery service, at some point in time I had to be the bad guy. As a leader, I have always wanted to be the best and fulfill goals that have been presented to me and my teammates.

Accompanying this is my resume which will give you an idea as to how my joining your team will benefit you. I believe we can sit down and realize that we want what is best for your company. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you for your consideration.



Julieta Larios